American Pyrotechnics

Safety & Education Foundation



        Smoke Signals 

          Fireworks Safety & Education News

    July 2017

Michael Ingram, President
Kevin Gilfillan, Vice President
Herb Chan, Secretary

Kurt Cowgill, Treasurer

We're pleased to provide an update on recent and upcoming efforts of the Foundation, activities made possible through the generous donations of our supporters. 

Foundation's #CelebrateSafely Embraced by CPSC

This past spring, Foundation President Michael Ingram, Fireworks Over America, Foundation Advocate Inez Tenenbaum, and Executive Director Julie Heckman, met with the acting Chair of the CPSC Anne Marie Buerkle and other Commissioners to brief them on the Foundation's safety and education efforts. Chairman Buerkle and her staff were impressed with the educational resources and indicated a willingness to incorporate Foundation produced materials in the agency's 4th of July messaging.

We are pleased that the agency, embraced the #CelebrateSafely hashtag for its social media campaigns - replacing the previous tag of #FireworksHurt. Foundation safety video vingnettes featuring Professor Sparkz were also highlighted in agency social media platforms. 

Foundation Exhibits at Public Health Educators Meeting

Earlier this year, the Foundation joined forces with health educators around the country by becoming an affiliate member of The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), a nonprofit, international professional association with a diverse membership of health education professionals and students.

In late March, Foundation advocate and former CPSC Chair Inez Tenenbaum and Executive Director Julie Heckman exhibited at the SOPHE Annual Meeting in Denver. Additionally, they conducted a briefing session for public health educators on the Foundation's educational efforts to promote fireworks safety.  There was great interest amongst the SOPHE membership and the organization dubbed June as "Fireworks Safety" month, featuring Foundation safety tips in their social media outreach.

American School Health Association Applauds Foundation Goals

In April, Foundation leaders met with representatives of the American School
Health Association (ASHA) a national organization that works with schools and communities to support healthy students who learn and achieve in safe and healthy environments. ASHA staff was impressed with the work-to-date of the Foundation and expressed interest in the possibility of promoting Foundation fireworks safety curriculum and resources with health educators in schools across the country. The Foundation plans to participate in the ASHA annual meeting this coming October.

Foundation Website -

Remember, a host of downloadable educational & safety resources are available free of charge thru the Foundation's website. Be sure to feature a link to on your company's website so that your customers and the general public can easily learn more about fireworks and celebrating safely.  

APSEF | 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 1220 | Bethesda, MD  20814