Please take a few minutes to read this update on the recent and upcoming efforts of the APA's Safety & Education Foundation, activities made possible through the generous donations of our supporters.
Fireworks Safety Coloring and Activity Books
This past Spring/Summer season, a new children's Fireworks Safety Coloring Activity book was produced by Pyro Novelties in partnership with the Foundation and made available to fireworks companies for purchase and distribution to their customers. This fun-filled and informative 16 page activity book allows kids to learn about the safe and proper use of fireworks; information they can share with their parents and other adults in their lives. The books feature Professor Sparkz and were designed to compliment the curriculum kits, videos and other resources currently available on the Foundation's website
Over 50,000 coloring books were distributed in 2022 and they were very well received. Plans are already underway to broaden distribution in 2023 to help spread the message of celebrating safely with legal consumer fireworks. We have set a goal of distributing 100,000 copies and hope you might consider lending your support.
Companies wishing quantities for their retail establishment may order them through Pyro Novelties at this link. This is their wholesale store that requires a minimum order of $500 to purchase online. The wholesale cost for the books is .99 cents each (purchased by the case of 250 books - $247.50). Those who wish to purchase just one case of books, please call 800-552-3499 and they will process your order manually. If you want to purchase just a few copies for yourself, your children and/or grandchildren, individual copies are available at this link.
If you would like to order custom books that incorporate your logo & website on the front and back covers, the minimum order is 5,000 copies and the price per copy will be .65 cents each ($3,250), plus freight. Your commitment for purchasing custom books is due by January 31st and you will be invoiced with pre-payment required in February. Books will print and ship by the end of March.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Foundation Vice President Katherine Guccione, Pyro Novelties, for spearheading the design, production and distribution of this awesome safety resource. Pyro Novelties is generously donating book proceeds to the Foundation and we know their true value will be raising fireworks safety awareness.
Year End Foundation Donations It's not too late to make your company's contribution to APA's Safety and Education Foundation. You may use this link to make an on-line donation or complete this form and return it to APA's main office in Southport, NC. Remember, APSEF is a 501 c (3) charitable organization and donations are tax deductible!
As the fireworks' industry's only organization dedicated solely to educating youth and the public about fireworks and their safe use, your support is vital to maintain existing efforts and establish a sound foundation for future activities.
Shout Out Thanks! The Foundation Board wishes to acknowledge and thank our colleagues at the American Fireworks Standard Laboratory (AFSL) for their recent donation to support the Foundation. The AFSL's primary purpose is to improve the quality and safety of fireworks distributed or used in the U.S. marketplace and we are most grateful for their generous support of the Foundation and its activities.
Ring in 2023 Safely As friends and family prepare to ring in the New Year, don't forget these helpful safety tips from Professor Sparkz. These and other useful resources are available online and we ask you to make sure to share this QR Code with customers so they can gain easy access to this helpful information.

Foundation Partners with Burn Prevention Network
This past July 4th season, APA's Safety & Education Foundation once again partnered with the Burn Prevention Network on a consumer fireworks safety campaign in the State of Pennsylvania. The Celebrate Safely PA! goal was to raise awareness about fireworks safety and ultimately reduce the number of fireworks-related injuries in the state. Point-of-sale safety flyers were developed and a robust media campaign was orchestrated. Initiated in 2021, the campaign is a great example of how public/private partnerships can be be used to help futher mutual safety goals.